Being brutally honest about books

Thursday 20 April 2017

10 Books I Loved That Nobody Else Did

A few days ago I talked about 10 books everyone else loved that I didn't, always an awkward position to be in. But here's another awkward situation: when you love a book that nobody else loves. You can't rave about the book with other fans, and you wonder what you missed that made everyone else not love it. Why weren't other readers on the same page as you? So here are 10 books I loved but no-one else did.

Book covers link to Goodreads.

Goddess by Kelly Gardiner
This book is about a fascinating historical figure. She was a French swordswoman and opera singer, but that's not all. Do yourself a favour and read it. My review.

The Silver Blade by Sally Gardner
The French Revolution, murder, and magic. I loved this book so much as a pre-teen/young teenager; I even have it in hardcover. I'd probably roll my eyes if I reread it now, but I adored it at the time.

Derby Girl by Shauna Cross
I hadn't heard of roller derby before I read this book. I think the awesome concept of it is why I liked the book so much.

The Paying Guests by Sarah Waters
This is one of her less popular novels, but I loved it! Yes, it's long, but it's still a great book. Also has a fun genre shift partway through.

 The Elites by Natasha Ngan
A dystopian that's original and didn't make me roll my eyes? What? My review.

Dead Time (The Murder Notebooks #1) by
The series was so thrilling and so British and I loved it.

Sense & Sensibility by Joanna Trollope
A modern AU of a Jane Austen classic that isn't disguised as anything else (looking at you, Bridget Jones's Diary). My review.

Hysteria by Megan Miranda
Just look at that tagline. This is the thriller that got me into thrillers. Not that I read a lot of thrillers. In fact, I should read more...

Love in the Land of Midas by
No-one knows about this book and that's sad, because it's so good! A little tropey in terms of Adult fiction, but I was new to the genre then, and of course I always love reading about Greece. My review.

I'm Alexandria, a 19-year-old reader/writer/blogger from New Zealand. I love language, history, and sci-fi. Hi! I'm always around if you want to talk, which you can do via comments, the contact form, or Facebook.

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